Retaining walls are very expensive to repair or replace.
The most common causes of damage to retaining walls are usually associated with construction defects, drainage problems, or a combination of the two. Construction defects are due to bad design or deficient installation means and methods.

To protect retaining walls, good site design must control water, including snow, rain, and natural groundwater. In addition, engineers must select wall materials compatible with site characteristics like the climate, surrounding topography, and site soil conditions. The neglect of any of these critical factors can be a problem.
Five Ways Retaining Walls Fail

Construction Defects
There are situations when the retaining wall design is technically flawed or a contractor has not constructed the retaining wall per the engineered design documents. If a wall is failing, forensic engineers perform "destructive testing," meaning that specific sections of the retaining wall are disassembled to determine if the wall is correctly constructed and why it is structurally unstable.

Destructive testing typically also includes water monitoring, soil sampling, and laboratory testing. This type of forensic evaluation is costly.

Who is Responsible for the Design of Retaining Walls?
The civil engineer, structural engineer, and architect must consider drainage in their design. The civil engineer's intent is to design the overall site infrastructure to divert water from areas where retaining walls are constructed. Considering the soil recommendations provided by the geotechnical engineer and loading, a structural engineer correctly implements drainage structures and drains along the retaining wall. Finally, an architect must design roof, porch, and patio drainage systems to have the most negligible impact on retaining walls.
Due to its lower cost than other alternatives, one of the most popular retaining walls in residential construction is the Segmental Retaining Wall (SRW), commonly referred to as a masonry block wall. This type of retaining wall is not designed to handle any water seepage or overflow and requires lifetime maintenance to fix water or erosion problems as they occur.
The design of a retaining wall must include a method to properly route water around the top of the retaining wall and away from the bottom.
This is achieved by:
Grading diversion swales above the retaining wall.
Providing a proper slope at the base of the retaining wall.
Ensuring drainage pipes are correctly diverted away from the retaining wall.
Adequately diverting roof gutter extensions.
Pipe Discharge
Managing roof and sump pump drainage is a very important concept. Roof gutter downspout extensions or sump pump discharge pipes that dump water on, above, or at the base of a retaining wall will cause damage.

One of the first signs of a moisture problem in SRW or brick walls can be the appearance of "efflorescence." Efflorescence is defined as a white, fine, powdery deposit left on the surface of masonry as water evaporates.

Staining on the face of the retaining wall is another sign of a drainage problem. Staining can be from residual soil particles on the face of the retaining wall or stains left by soil minerals, fertilizers, algae, or mold growth.

Erosion and Sediment
A sign to look out for is erosion or sediment deposits (small soil particles) around a wall or soil washed away between blocks. Erosion can affect wall stability.

Vegetation Growth
Vegetation between wall blocks or cracks is another sign. Grasses and weeds thrive in well-supplied moisture conditions.

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